Is Rev. Dr. Kate Wiebe available for consultation or counseling?Did you deploy?No. We provided various preparedness and response services, free information and networking, educational forums, and on-demand training.
How were you different from disaster response and relief agencies?We did not deploy as first responders. We did collaborate with disaster-focused agencies when our missions interface.
Our vision and mission fell outside the general scope of most deploying agencies, as we focused in more areas of trauma than only destruction from natural events or violence, and we helped leaders build trauma-informed programs and ministries for long-term organizational growth. Did you provide free training?Yes! We offered free guidelines for best practices, free charts and tip cards, and our blogs were filled with top insights from field experts around the country.
PHASES OF DISASTER CHART> ICTG COLLECTIVE TRAUMA BLOG> COMMUNITY BLOG> SPIRITUAL DIRECTION BLOG> THE CARE PODCAST> Did you provide in-depth training or coaching?Yes. We did offer training manuals, and many services; most available on-line or in person, on-demand or scheduled. You can contact Rev. Dr. Kate Wiebe to discuss current consulting or counseling needs you or your organization may have presently.