Phases of Disaster Response
This chart is a visual guide, designed to aid conversations about collective trauma response. It is not a diagnostic tool, and is not prescriptive for your situation. For some, it reminds them of a "heart beat." For others, it provides initial language and an invitation to begin to explore and articulate their own personal experience, which may or may not be similar to what is depicted here.
Please note: Scroll down for phase details and chart history.
Generally, it was understood for some time that the four phases listed on the charts tended to take 24-60 months for a community to process through.*
It is important to recognize that the healing of each group is a unique experience, and that this visual aid is simply a tool to see general patterns. It is not prescriptive, but simply a guide.**
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As a leader of a school, business, nonprofit, or congregation, you may find this aid especially useful for: