SANTA BARBARA – ICTG is rebranding and expanding in recognition of its focus on whole community care and support to leaders of all kinds. The new corporate name is Institute for Collective Trauma and Growth, replacing the former name: Institute for Congregational Trauma.
"Our new name better reflects the work we are already doing in resourcing both faith-based and community-based leaders after disaster,” said ICTG’s Executive Director, Rev. Dr. Kate Wiebe. When ICTG started six years ago, the emphasis was on resourcing faith leaders, including providing essential education about ACEs and building a trauma-informed ministry. Over the years, more and more schools and nonprofits recognized the value of ICTG’s services. “We initially focused on providing education, coaching, and therapeutic services for faith leaders because we knew from experience a significant portion of communities affected by disaster turn first to their faith leaders for support and that many faith leaders feel unequipped to respond to the full scope of needs within a congregation after a community-wide disaster, “ said Kate, “Our services helped more faith leaders come to the long-term recovery table, as well as increase their understanding of how to better care for themselves, their families, and their parishioners.” Following the historic disaster season throughout the country in the last six months, including the wildfires and debris flows in ICTG’s backyard of Montecito, CA, more community leaders, including those outside the congregational setting, sought ICTG education, coaching, and therapeutic services. “We have seen that the same tools that have proved to be so essential to faith leaders are just as helpful to other types of community leaders,” said Kate. Through education and coaching, the ICTG team hopes to help both community-based and faith-based leaders break down silos and work across professions after disasters. “Our ultimate goal is to expand whole community care after disasters and it’s time to name the growth we have achieved,” said Kate. About ICTG Through the generosity of individuals, families, and granting organizations, the Institute for Collective Trauma and Growth (ICTG), a 501(c)(3) organization, provides education, coaching, and therapeutic services for leaders to address long-term care needs after disaster. # # # For questions, contact Renee Carmichael, Communications Director at [email protected].
ICTG BLOGFrom 2012-2020, this blog space explored the changing landscape of long-term care. This website serves as a historical mark of work the Institute conducted prior to 2022. This website is no longer updated.
December 2020